Showing 2 posts in Data Breach.

Navigating Standing Considerations in Data Breach Class Actions

The growing prevalence of data breaches has led to an uptick in class action litigation based on consumers' personal information allegedly being accessed. A common theme emerging in these lawsuits is plaintiffs claiming that they were injured as a result of the breach due to an increased risk of identity theft. However, an increased risk of future harm does not mean the harm will necessarily materialize. More ›

CCPA Litigation Has Arrived and COVID-19 Will Not Delay Enforcement

Despite concerns expressed by the business community, enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will not be delayed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra recently clarified that his office "is committed to enforcing the law upon finalizing the rules or July 1, whichever comes first. … [W]e are all mindful of the new reality created by COVID-19 and the heightened value of protecting consumers' privacy online that comes with it. We encourage businesses to be particularly mindful of data security in this time of emergency." More ›