Photo of Consumer Crossroads: Where Financial Services and Litigation Intersect David M. Schultz
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David Schultz defends Fortune 500 companies, debt buyers, debt collection agencies, lawyers, lending institutions, and other clients in consumer …

Showing 2 posts by David M. Schultz.

Navigating Standing Considerations in Data Breach Class Actions

The growing prevalence of data breaches has led to an uptick in class action litigation based on consumers' personal information allegedly being accessed. A common theme emerging in these lawsuits is plaintiffs claiming that they were injured as a result of the breach due to an increased risk of identity theft. However, an increased risk of future harm does not mean the harm will necessarily materialize. More ›

Eleventh Circuit Orders En Banc Rehearing of Hunstein Case and Vacates Opinion

Today, Hunstein took another unique—but favorable—turn for the debt collection industry. The Eleventh Circuit Court of appeals issued an order vacating its last opinion in Hunstein vs. Preferred Collection & Management Services, Inc, and ordered the case to be reheard en banc. More ›